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Marcegaglia Buildtech launches Gateway


26 May, 2016


The world of scaffolding enters a new dimension: Marcegaglia Buildtech launches Gateway Great success and participation at the Marcegaglia Buildtech event with the presentation of Gateway, the innovation that simplifies scaffold management, revolutionizing log

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Marcegaglia Oskar


26 May, 2016


MARCEGAGLIA OSKAR A leader in the manufacture of metal handles and with extensive experience in the machining of shallow tubes, Marcegaglia Oskar is the global industrial partner for the design, prototyping and production of steel tubular components. MARCEGAGL

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CROMATICA dresses the Duomo of Milan


26 May, 2016


CROMATICA DRESSES THE DUOMO OF MILAN “Steel for Art”: this is the name chosen for the project inaugurated on June 24, 2024, in Milan during the event organized in collaboration with the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano (“Venerable Facto

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World Brush Expo 2024


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Oskar at the first edition of World Brush Expo, the brand new trade fair for the brush, paintbrush, paint roller and mop industries (Bologna, 22- 24 May 2024). Marcegaglia Oskar alla prima edizione di World Brush Expo, la nuovissima fiera per lR

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Wire 2024


26 May, 2016


For the first time in its history, Marcegaglia at Wire, the world’s leading trade fair for wire & cable (15-19 April, 2024). Per la prima volta nella sua storia, Marcegaglia a Wire, la fiera leader mondiale per il comparto di fili e cavi (15-19 april

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Tube 2024


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at Tube 2024, the world’s number one fair for the steel industry (15-19 April, 2024). Marcegaglia a Tube 2024, la fiera numero uno al mondo per il settore dell’acciaio (15-19 aprile 2024).

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Marcegaglia Stainless Sheffield


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Long Products is a global producer of high-quality stainless steel long products, known for the ability to offer reliable products in a wide range of grades, shapes and sizes. Main part of production and sales takes place in Sheffield UK, where Mar

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Casa Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


Casa Marcegaglia is a permanent museum located on a 1,300 square meter space in the Group’s headquarters in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti. The goal is to retrace the story of its founder, Steno Marcegaglia, and the company in all the periods of its evolution throug

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R+T 2024


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at R+T 2024, the world’s leading trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun shading systems (19-23 February, 2024). Marcegaglia a R+T 2024, la fiera leader a livello mondiale per tapparelle, porte/cancelli e sistemi di protezione sol

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Marcegaglia Stainless Richburg


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Stainless Richburg (USA) produces high-performance stainless steel bars in premium commodity and special grades. The unit was established in 1994 and it is well known for its high quality Prodec bars and technical expertise. Marcegaglia Stainless R

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Made Expo 2023


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia once again cemented its position as a leading player in the Made Expo 2023, thanks to a vibrant exhibition space that has been the agora of many business meetings and appointments. The highlight of the event was the launch of “Cromatica”

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Blechexpo 2023 Stuttgart


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at Blechexpo 2023, the main event for the sheet metal world (7-10th November, 2023). Marcegaglia a Blechexpo 2023, la più grande fiera delle lamiere (7-10 novembre 2023).

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Prodec® 304L: machining testing comparison (US version)


26 May, 2016


A machining testing comparison of 304L stainless steel: Prodec® 304L vs. Standard 304L. Test di lavorazione dell’acciaio inossidabile 304L a confronto: Prodec® 304L vs. Standard 304L.  

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Prodec® 304L: machining testing comparison (EU version)


26 May, 2016


A machining testing comparison of 304L stainless steel: Prodec® 304L vs. Standard 304L. Test di lavorazione dell’acciaio inossidabile 304L a confronto: Prodec® 304L vs. Standard 304L.  

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Prodec®: superior machinable bars


26 May, 2016


Prodec® is an improved machinable stainless steel, with a consistent superior quality in both tolerances and surface. Prodec® è un acciaio inossidabile migliorato per la lavorazione, con una qualità superiore e costante sia per le tolleranze che in superfi

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Marcegaglia Fagersta Stainless


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Fagersta Stainless produces stainless steel wire rods and wires. By close co-operation with customers and suppliers, it has reached a position as one of the world leaders in this field, known for high quality, reliable deliveries and personal and c

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Marcegaglia at Made in Steel 2023


26 May, 2016


Thanks to all our sales staff and the many customers and visitors who literally filled our stand during these three days dedicated to steel. See you in 2025: in the meantime… Steel Up! Grazie a tutti i nostri commerciali e ai tantissimi clienti e visitat

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Cromatica – Marcegaglia Steel


26 May, 2016


Designed and developed by the R&D teams at Marcegaglia, Cromatica is the innovative high-tech solution which allows to print custom textures and images on steel thanks to an almost infinite range of colors, shades and opacities. Nata grazie al lavoro conti

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Marcegaglia is protagonist at BAU Monaco 2023


26 May, 2016


Relive the emotions of the 2023 edition of BAU Monaco, the most important world trade fair for the building sector. Rivivi le emozioni dell’edizione 2023 di BAU Monaco, la più importante fiera mondiale per il settore dell’edilizia.

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Antonio and Emma Marcegaglia’s interview with Siderweb


26 May, 2016


The evolution of the international steel market, the development prospects, also thanks to the acquisition of Outokumpu’s long products, for sustainable growth. This and much more in the interview with Siderweb by Antonio and Emma Marcegaglia. L’ev

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EuroBLECH 2022 Hannover


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at EuroBLECH 2022, the main event for the sheet metal world (25-28th October, 2022). Marcegaglia a EuroBLECH 2022, la più grande fiera delle lamiere (25-28 ottobre 2022).

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Marcegaglia – Our steel your life


26 May, 2016


Steel is strength. Steel is safety. Steel is hygienic. Steel is green. Our steel, your life. L’acciaio è forza. L’acciaio è sicurezza. L’acciaio è igienico. L’acciaio è verde. Il nostro acciaio, la tua vita.

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#Ripartitalia, Antonio Marcegaglia: the sustainable transformation of steel


26 May, 2016


At “#Ripartitalia – The green revolution”, an interview with Antonio Macegaglia, Chairman and CEO of the Marcegaglia group A “#Ripartitalia – La rivoluzione verde”, l’intervista ad Antonio Macegaglia, Presidente e CEO

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Tube 2022 Düsseldorf


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at Tube 2022, the world’s number one fair for the steel industry (20-24th June, 2022). Marcegaglia a Tube 2022, la fiera numero uno al mondo per il settore dell’acciaio (20-24 giugno 2022).

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Fuorisalone 2022 per Digital Print


26 May, 2016


Big buzz at Fuorisalone 2022 for Digital Print, the technology that makes it possible to reproduce any texture, image, photograph on coils. Sustainable steel faces the world of design and opens the door to #creativity, even the wildest kind! Grande fermento al

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Marcegaglia a Materially 2002


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Digital Print is the industrial technology on organic coated steel, combining the digital printing with a continuous coil process, and providing new and unexplored opportunities for the creativity of designers and architects. Marcegaglia Digital Pr

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Marcegaglia Digital Print


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Digital Print is the brand-new industrial technology on organic coated steel, combining for the very first time the digital print with a continuous coil process, and providing new and unexplored opportunities for design, aesthetics and customizatio

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Season’s greetings 2021


26 May, 2016


Antonio and Emma Marcegaglia’s year-end speech, with best wishes for all the group’s employees. Il discorso di fine anno di Antonio ed Emma Marcegaglia, con gli auguri per tutti i collaboratori del gruppo.

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MadeExpo 2021


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at Made Expo 2021, the event dedicated to the world of construction that offers a multi-specialized vision of materials. Marcegaglia a Made Expo 2021, l’evento dedicato al mondo delle costruzioni che offre una visione multispecialistica dei m

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Made in Steel 2021


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia at Made in Steel 2021, the most important exhibition event in Southern Europe dedicated to the steel community. Marcegaglia a Made in Steel 2021, il più importante evento fieristico del Sud Europa dedicato alla community dell’acciaio.

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Auguri buone feste 2020


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia augura a tutti un felice nuovo anno e tutto il meglio a voi e alle vostre famiglie. Marcegaglia wishes everyone a Happy New Year and all the best to you and your families.  

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Auguri buone feste 2020


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia augura a tutti un felice nuovo anno e tutto il meglio a voi e alle vostre famiglie. Marcegaglia wishes everyone a Happy New Year and all the best to you and your families.  

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L’ultimo saluto a Palmira Bazzani Marcegaglia – Siderweb


26 May, 2016


The last farewell to Palmira Bazzani Marcegaglia, wife of the founder Steno and mother of Antonio and Emma. L’ultimo saluto a Palmira Bazzani Marcegaglia, moglie del fondatore Steno e madre di Antonio ed Emma.  

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I funerali di Palmira Bazzani Marcegaglia – Gazzetta di Mantova


26 May, 2016


The funeral of Palmira Bazzani Marcegaglia, wife of the founder Steno and mother of Antonio and Emma, took place on Thursday 5 November 2020. Giovedì 5 novembre 2020 si sono svolti i funerali di Palmira Bazzani Marcegaglia, moglie del fondatore Steno e madre

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Marcegaglia Energy Efficiency 2020


26 May, 2016


Cogeneration plants in Ravenna and Gazoldo degli Ippoliti: the energy and production benefits explained by Engineer Francesco Bragagni, Energy Manager of Marcegaglia Ravenna, at “It’s all energy efficiency”, the Brainz event on the main innov

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Marcegaglia, global player in steel


26 May, 2016


In this video, the whole world of Marcegaglia is told: numbers, positioning, products, strategy, values, vision. In questo video, si racconta tutto il mondo Marcegaglia: numeri, posizionamento, prodotti, strategia, valori, vision.

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Marcegaglia Carbon Steel: cold drawn welded tubes


26 May, 2016


The production of cold drawn welded tubes is an important component of Marcegaglia Carbon Steel, which happens in Boltiere plant, one of the largest in its sector in Europe, and in Rivoli. The total surface for drawing is over 120,000 square meters, with a pro

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Marcegaglia Carbon Steel: tubi saldati trafilati a freddo


26 May, 2016


La produzione dei tubi saldati trafilati a freddo è una componente importante del mondo Marcegaglia Carbon Steel, che avviene nello stabilimento di Boltiere, uno tra i più grandi del settore a livello europeo, e in quello di Rivoli. La superficie destinata a

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Carbon steel welded tubes: the Casalmaggiore plant


26 May, 2016


The largest Marcegaglia tube plant for the production of carbon steel welded tubes is that in Casalmaggiore, which covers a total area of 320,000 m², of which 162,000 m² are covered, and employs 486 people, with a production capacity of 700,000 tonnes per ye

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Tubi saldati in acciaio al carbonio: lo stabilimento di Casalmaggiore


26 May, 2016


Il più grande tubificio Marcegaglia per la produzione di tubi saldati in acciaio al carbonio è quello di Casalmaggiore, che si estende su una superficie totale di 320.000 m², di cui 162.000 coperti, e impiega 486 persone, per una capacità produttiva di 700

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Forlì: the largest plant in the world for the production of stainless steel welded tubes


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Specialties is a company in the Marcegaglia group that processes stainless steels for the production of hot and cold rolled coils and strips, cold rolled flat products, cold-drawn bars and tubes. Over the years, the company has become an internatio

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Forlì: il più grande stabilimento al mondo per tubi saldati in acciaio inossidabile


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Specialties è la società del gruppo Marcegaglia che trasforma gli acciai inossidabili, per la realizzazione di coils e nastri laminati a caldo e a freddo, prodotti piani laminati a freddo, barre trafilate e tubi. Nel corso degli anni l’azienda

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Ravenna: the largest steel-working plant of the Marcegaglia group


26 May, 2016


The Marcegaglia group has built its largest steel-working plant in Ravenna, equipped with cutting-edge plant facilities and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology, in addition to the largest intermodal and logistics hub for all of the industrial and commerc

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Ravenna: il più grande stabilimento metallurgico del gruppo Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


Il gruppo Marcegaglia ha realizzato a Ravenna il suo più grande stabilimento metallurgico, dotato delle più moderne strutture impiantistiche e delle più avanzate tecnologie produttive, oltre che il più importante polo logistico e intermodale per tutte le a

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Marcegaglia tra i vincitori del 2020 Global Awards for Steel Excellence


26 May, 2016


On the occasion of the “2020 Global Awards for Steel Excellence” sponsored by Fastmarkets, Marcegaglia Ravenna presented itself with five applications in three different categories, thanks to two innovative projects: Tensil Pro and Smart Line. The

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Protected: Casa Marcegaglia – virtual tour giugno 2020


26 May, 2016


There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Marcegaglia Oskar: our commitment to start again together


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Oskar, excellence of the Marcegaglia group active in the development and manufacture of metal handles and steel tube components for a wide range of applications, has distinguished itself for its great commitment during this period of Covid-19 emerg

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Marcegaglia Oskar: il nostro impegno per ripartire insieme


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Oskar, eccellenza del gruppo Marcegaglia attiva nello sviluppo e nella realizzazione di manici metallici e componenti tubolari in acciaio per una vasta gamma di settori, si è distinta per il grande impegno profuso in questo periodo di emergenza C

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Antonio Marcegaglia: gli strumenti per affrontare un mercato in rapida evoluzione


26 May, 2016


The first stage of “Mercato & Dintorni”, the new webinar project by Siderweb dedicated to the analysis of the steel market, saw Antonio Marcegaglia, Chairman and CEO of the Marcegaglia group, as protagonist, who analyzed different aspects of the prese

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Protected: Casa Marcegaglia – virtual tour


26 May, 2016


There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Albarella – Una giornata da leoni


26 May, 2016


The most beautiful moments of the vibrant “Una giornata da leoni”, the great sport, wellness and entertainment event dedicated to the employees of the Italian plants and families to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Marcegaglia, which was held on the I

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Intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia a European Steel Conference


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia, interviewed at European Steel Conference 2019, said: “I expect consumption to recover, as apparent consumption has been lower than real consumption: I am moderately optimistic, even in a complex scenario. Ilva needs to maintain a sig

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Antonio Marcegaglia, Assemblea annuale di Federacciai, Milano


26 May, 2016


Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia, interviewed by RaiNews 24 on the side of the annual Federacciai meeting, held in Milan on October 14, spoke about the current situation that the Italian steel industry is going through, stalling between the United Kingdom

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Il gruppo Marcegaglia compie 60 anni


26 May, 2016


The “TG3 Lombardia” news service about the presentation of Casa Marcegaglia, held in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti on Tuesday 18 June 2019. Il servizio del TG3 Lombardia sulla presentazione di Casa Marcegaglia, tenutasi a Gazoldo degli Ippoliti martedì 1

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Presentato il progetto “Casa Marcegaglia”


26 May, 2016


The project that will be the heart of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the company’s foundation has been presented to the authorities and the press: its name is Casa Marcegaglia. È stato presentato alle autorità e alla stampa il progetto ch

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Antonio Marcegaglia: ottimista per il futuro del settore e della nostra azienda


26 May, 2016


Interviewed by Siderweb during Made in Steel 2019, Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia expressed his opinion on the current steel panorama: “I think that the prevailing sentiment is worse than the reality”. Intervistato da Siderweb nel corso di Ma

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60° di fondazione dell’Azienda: il teaser di Casa Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


Academy, exhibition, environment, celebration, energy, park, history: these are the key words of the teaser that reveals the birth of Casa Marcegaglia, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Company’s foundation. As explained by Chairman and CEO

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Antonio Marcegaglia: “Industria 4.0 significa usare i dati in modo intelligente”


26 May, 2016


During the EY Capri Digital Summit 2017, Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia explains how the fourth industrial revolution has transformed processes within factories: “We aim at an intelligent reading of relevant data instead of the proliferation of ins

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L’Industria 4.0 raccontata da Antonio Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia explained the main applications of Industry 4.0 in the Company: a system for measuring the mechanical and

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Antonio Marcegaglia a innovA: interessati ad Ast Terni


26 May, 2016


During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia has officially declared the Company’s interest in acquiring Ast Terni in the event that ThyssenKrup

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Antonio Marcegaglia annuncia il progetto “Marcegaglia Academy”


26 May, 2016


During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia expressed his intention to create a “Marcegaglia Academy” dedicated to the continuous trainin

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Antonio Marcegaglia a Siderweb: qualificati per l’operazione Ast Terni


26 May, 2016


At the microphones of Siderweb the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia said that the Company is certainly interested in acquiring AST and qualified for this transaction. Ai microfoni di Siderweb il Presidente e CEO Antonio Marcegaglia ha dichiarato che la soc

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Marcegaglia Poland: programma di lean manufacturing


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Poland has developed a lean manufacturing program, a systematic method for waste minimization within the manufacturing system without sacrificing productivity. Marcegaglia Poland ha sviluppato un programma di lean manufacturing, un metodo sistemati

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Marcegaglia Carbon Steel


26 May, 2016


The whole Marcegaglia Carbon Steel world told in a video: numbers, positioning, products, plants and sales offices. Tutto il mondo Marcegaglia Carbon Steel raccontato in un video: numeri, posizionamento, prodotti, stabilimenti e uffici vendite.

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Pre-painted steel: all the colours of steel


26 May, 2016


Coils, strips and sheets for several applications: construction, industry, automotive, façades, washing machines, roofing, household appliances, doorway and agriculture.   Coils, nastri e lamiere per molteplici applicazioni: edilizia, industria, automotive,

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Marcegaglia Plates: master in heavy plates


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia Plates is part of Marcegaglia group. The company is dedicated to the fabrication of heavy (quarto) plates: weathering steel, structural steel and steel for boilers and pressure vessels. Marcegaglia Plates è la società del gruppo Marcegaglia dedic

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Intervista di Antonio Marcegaglia a Euronews


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed by Euronews in the report “Journey through Made in Italy: recovery after the crisis”. Antonio Marcegaglia intervistato da Euronews, nel servizio “Viaggio attraverso il made in Italy: la ripresa dopo la crisi&#

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Antonio Marcegaglia interviene alla trasmissione di Class CNBC “Italia 4.0”


26 May, 2016


Speaking on “Italia 4.0” tv program broadcast on Class CNBC, Chairman Antonio Marcegaglia talked about the digital transformation and its impact in Marcegaglia. Intervenuto nel programma televisivo “Italia 4.0” trasmesso su Class CNBC,

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Antonio Marcegaglia a sedApta Academy Industry 4.0


26 May, 2016


Chairman Antonio Marcegaglia explains the impact of the digital revolution on the steel industry, which brings a new “mental software” within the company. Il Presidente Antonio Marcegaglia racconta l’impatto della rivoluzione digitale sull

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Antonio Marcegaglia all’EY Capri Digital Summit 2017


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia spoke at the closing day of the EY Digital Summit 2017, entitled “Where innovation becomes experience, value, business” and held in Capri (Italy) from 4th to 6th October 2017. The topic of the meeting, chaired by the journalist of Il So

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Antonio Marcegaglia: il salto di qualità dell’Industria 4.0


26 May, 2016


Interview with Antonio Marcegaglia at the inaugural conference of Made in Steel 2017. Intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia a margine del convegno inaugurale di Made in Steel 2017.

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Ilva: un impegno a lungo termine


26 May, 2016


ArcelorMittal and Marcegaglia declared their commitment to make the Ilva pole competitive both on the production and distribution side for the Italian and European area. ArcelorMittal e Marcegaglia hanno dichiarato il proprio impegno a voler rendere il polo de

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Marco Campi (CIO Marcegaglia): cosa vuol dire per noi Industria 4.0


26 May, 2016


Big Data offers key information to improve products, production cycles and market presence. I Big Data offrono informazioni chiave per migliorare prodotti, cicli produttivi e presenza sul mercato.

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Connected Factory, la fabbrica del futuro di Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia plants in Ravenna and Casalmaggiore choose industrial automation thanks to a complete architecture Factory Network, Factory Wireless and Factory Security by Cisco. Gli impianti Marcegaglia di Ravenna e Casalmaggiore puntano sull’automazione i

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Marcegaglia Laser Sharp®


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia expertise and know-how has led to LASER SHARP®, the range of structural sheets for laser applications produced in 4 steel grades with close attention to special finishes, accurate flatness and increased formability after cut to length operations f

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Steel at home: tubes for condensers and refrigeration components


26 May, 2016


A full range of products dedicated to the refrigeration and household appliances industries: components, systems and steel materials engineered and developed to meet the highest requirements of the application sectors. Una gamma completa e dedicata di prodotti

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Steel safety in the automotive industry


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia invests in R&D to develop new products
 that both achieve the best performances while looking positively to the environmental improvement in terms of health and safety. Marcegaglia investe in Ricerca e Sviluppo per creare nuovi prodotti che o

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Marcegaglia Ravenna plant


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia has set up its by far biggest steel metallurgy plant in Ravenna, as well as the nerve-center for integrated logistics to supply each production and distribution facility of the industrial group. The plant, which is also the main logistic and interm

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La Provincia di Cremona intervista Antonio Marcegaglia: risultati e sviluppi


26 May, 2016


Interview of La Provincia di Cremona with Antonio Marcegaglia: exploiting a not easy context with investments and new hires. Optimism drives the development of Marcegaglia steel business internationally. Intervista de La Provincia di Cremona ad Antonio Marcega

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La nuova organizzazione Marcegaglia: acciaio ma non solo


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia explains to Siderweb the new corporate structure of the group, gives his opinion about 2015 and sets out his expectations for 2016 regarding steel flat products. Antonio Marcegaglia illustra a Siderweb il nuovo assetto societario del gruppo

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Bilanci d’Acciaio 2015: le nuove sfide del settore


26 May, 2016


Price decrease, import, balance sheets and Ilva: Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed by Siderweb. Flessione dei prezzi, import, bilanci e Ilva: Antonio Marcegaglia intervistato da Siderweb.

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Cesoie “Guida”: procedura di sicurezza


26 May, 2016


MADE HSE training video on the safety procedures to be used for Cesoie “Guida”. Il video di formazione di MADE HSE sulle procedure di sicurezza da utilizzare per le Cesoie “Guida”.

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Open day Ravenna: intervista ad Aldo Fiorini


26 May, 2016


Aldo Fiorini, General Manager of the Marcegaglia plant in Ravenna, interviewed on the occasion of the company’s open day for the 1st Festival of Industry and Business Values, promoted by Confindustria Ravenna to celebrate the Association’s 70th Ann

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Open day Ravenna: intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed on the occasion of the company’s open day for the 1st Festival of Industry and Business Values, promoted by Confindustria Ravenna to celebrate the Association’s 70th Anniversary. Antonio Marcegaglia intervistato in o

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Made in Steel 2015: intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia


26 May, 2016


Siderweb interviews Antonio Marcegaglia during Made in Steel 2015: market, results, current situation and upcoming changes of Marcegaglia group. Siderweb intervista Antonio Marcegaglia durante Made in Steel 2015: mercato, risultati, situazione attuale e camb

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Antonio Marcegaglia: strategies to face steel market dynamics


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia explains challenges, risks and dynamics to face the steel international market. Antonio Marcegaglia spiega sfide, rischi e dinamiche per affrontare il mercato internazionale dell’acciaio.

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Quotazioni dell’acciaio al carbonio e dell’acciaio inox nel 2015


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia explains to Siderweb the dynamics of steel in anticipation of investments and global market trends. Antonio Marcegaglia spiega a Siderweb le dinamiche dell’acciaio in previsione degli investimenti e dei trend mondiali di mercato.

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Antonio e Steno Marcegaglia a Made in Steel 2013


26 May, 2016


Steno and Antonio Marcegaglia at Made In Steel 2013, interviewed by Siderweb about the event and the trends of steel. Steno e Antonio Marcegaglia a Made In Steel 2013, in un’intervista a Siderweb sulla manifestazione e sui trend dell’acciaio.

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Gazoldo degli Ippoliti intitola a Steno Marcegaglia la piazza principale


26 May, 2016


Gazoldo degli Ippoliti celebrates its industrial leading figure: city’s main square dedicated to Steno Marcegaglia. Gazoldo degli Ippoliti celebra il suo “capitano d’industria”: dedica della piazza principale del paese a Steno Marcegagl

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Antonio Marcegaglia interviene a Made in Steel 2013


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia at Stainless Steel Market Outlook in Made in Steel 2013: reflections on the stainless steel sector. Antonio Marcegaglia allo Stainless Steel Market Outlook durante Made in Steel 2013: riflessioni sul settore degli acciai inossidabili.

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Antonio Marcegaglia at the third International Steel Trade Day 2013


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia’s speech at the third International Steel Trade Day 2013. L’intervento di Antonio Marcegaglia al terzo International Steel Trade Day 2013.  

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Nazzareno Rubino: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop


26 May, 2016


The Flat Universe: Marcegaglia expertise in cut-to-length sheets and heavy plates. L’universo dei prodotti piani: l’expertise di Marcegaglia nelle lamiere spianate e da treno.

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Enrico Paladini: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia processing centre in Ravenna: the Mediterranean coils hub. Il centro di lavorazione Marcegaglia a Ravenna: l’hub mediterraneo dei coils.

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Paolo Stella: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop


26 May, 2016


New challenges in stainless flats: organic growth and worldwide integration. Nuove sfide nei prodotti piani in acciaio inox: crescita organica e integrazione a livello mondiale.  

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Andrea Brotini and Antonio Bonoli: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop


26 May, 2016


The colours of Marcegaglia steel and the technological enhancements. I colori dell’acciaio Marcegaglia e i perfezionamenti tecnologici.

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Lorenzo Biagi: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop


26 May, 2016


New steel strip specialties for added-value sectors. Nuove specialità di nastri in acciaio per settori a valore aggiunto.

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Antonio Marcegaglia: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop


26 May, 2016


The new recessionist world: reshaping the value added. Il nuovo mondo recessivo: ridisegnare il valore aggiunto.

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Open Day “Fabbrica Aperta” Marcegaglia 2012


26 May, 2016


A day dedicated to the families of Marcegaglia employees of the Marcegaglia Buildtech Milan plant, to make everyone experience the factory and get to know the “Culture of respect for safety and health at work”. Giornata dedicata alle famiglie dei

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Steno Marcegaglia “A Steel-made Engineer”


26 May, 2016


Steno Marcegaglia awarded by Polytechnic of Milan with Honorary Degree in Materials Engineering, in 2002. Steno Marcegaglia insignito dal Politecnico di Milano della Laurea Honoris Causa in Ingegneria dei Materiali, nel 2002.

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The stainless tube leader comes to Russia: the new processing centre in Vladimir


26 May, 2016


The speech by Marco Redeghieri, Marcegaglia Russia, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Marco Redeghieri, Marcegaglia Russia, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Driving the change: stainless growth worldwide and strategic integration


26 May, 2016


The speech by Egidio Bini, Marcegaglia stainless steel division, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Egidio Bini, Marcegaglia stainless steel division, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Marcegaglia integrated quality system: best practices and developments


26 May, 2016


The speech by Luciano Venturini, Marcegaglia quality department, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Luciano Venturini, Marcegaglia quality department, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Emerging markets and new challenges for tube specialties in the Americas


26 May, 2016


The speech by Luiz Daury, Marcegaglia do Brasil, and Dave Cornelius, Marcegaglia USA, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Luiz Daury, Marcegaglia do Brasil, e Dave Cornelius, Marcegaglia USA, al workshop aziendale organizzat

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Slitting excellence. Tailor-made narrow strips for added-value sectors.


26 May, 2016


The speech by Lorenzo Biagi, Marcegaglia strip division, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Lorenzo Biagi, Marcegaglia strip division, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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More than automotive: new dimensions, new coatings in carbon steel tubes


26 May, 2016


The speech by Cristiano Rocchi, Marcegaglia tube division, and Julie Ingram, Marcegaglia UK, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Cristiano Rocchi, Marcegaglia tube division, e Julie Ingram, Marcegaglia UK, al workshop aziend

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10 years of innovation and technology: new capacities in flat production


26 May, 2016


The speech by Enrico Paladini, Marcegaglia coil division, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Enrico Paladini, Marcegaglia coil division, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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East meets West: European synergies in precision tubes


26 May, 2016


The speech by Bernd Estermann, Marcegaglia Poland, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Bernd Estermann, Marcegaglia Poland, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Hi-tech China: setting new standards in carbon and stainless steel tubes


26 May, 2016


The speech by Luciano Giol, Marcegaglia China, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Luciano Giol, Marcegaglia China, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Challenging times: the Marcegaglia strategic response


26 May, 2016


The speech by Antonio Marcegaglia, CEO of Marcegaglia, at the company workshop in Tube Düsseldorf 2012. L’intervento di Antonio Marcegaglia, CEO Marcegaglia, al workshop aziendale organizzato a Tube Düsseldorf 2012.

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Marcegaglia Casalmaggiore: automatic warehouse


26 May, 2016


The automatic tube bundling warehouse in the Marcegaglia plant of Casalmaggiore, managed by Swisslog software. Il magazzino automatico per fasci di tubi dello stabilimento Marcegaglia di Casalmaggiore, gestito con un software Swisslog.

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Marcegaglia Taranto: lancio della nuova lamina fotovoltaica flessibile


26 May, 2016


Launch of the new flexible amorphous silicon foil for electricity generation in Marcegaglia Taranto plant. Lancio della nuova lamina flessibile in silicio amorfo per produzione di energia elettrica nello stabilimento Marcegaglia di Taranto.

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Opening of the new Marcegaglia China plant in Yangzhou, 2011


26 May, 2016


A new production site enriches the network: Marcegaglia opens its Chinese plant in Yangzhou. Una nuova sede produttiva arricchisce il network: Marcegaglia apre lo stabilimento cinese di Yangzhou. 

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Intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia al Tube 2010


26 May, 2016


President Antonio Marcegaglia’s interviewed during the Tube Düsseldorf exhibition, 2010. Il Presidente Antonio Marcegaglia intervistato in occasione della fiera Tube Düsseldorf, 2010.  

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Steno Marcegaglia, 80 years of steel


26 May, 2016


Steno Marcegaglia birthday greetings, August, 9,  2010: 80 years of steel. Gli auguri per il compleanno di Steno Marcegaglia, il 9 Agosto, 2010: 80 anni di acciaio.

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Steelife, the first international art exhibition dedicated to steel, 2011


26 May, 2016


Triennale of Milan and Marcegaglia present “Steellife”, the first international contemporary art exhibition dedicated to steel and to its masterful crafters, curated by the art critic Elisabetta Pozzetti. An unprecedented exhibition is staged durin

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Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed by Metal Bulletin – part 2


26 May, 2016


Metal Bulletin interviews Antonio Marcegaglia during the “Stainless Steel Executive of the Year 2010” event (part 2). Metal Bulletin intervista Antonio Marcegaglia in occasione dell’evento “Stainless Steel Executive of the Year 2010

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Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed by Metal Bulletin – part 1


26 May, 2016


Metal Bulletin interviews Antonio Marcegaglia during the “Stainless Steel Executive of the Year 2010” event (part 1). Metal Bulletin intervista Antonio Marcegaglia in occasione dell’evento “Stainless Steel Executive of the Year 2010

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The opening ceremony of Marcegaglia Kluczbork plant


26 May, 2016


Marcegaglia opens the Kluczbork plant in Poland. The opening ceremony of October 14th, 2010. Marcegaglia apre lo stabilimento di Kluczbork in Polonia. La cerimonia di apertura tenutasi il 14 ottobre 2010.  

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Stainless and Special Steel Summit 2010


26 May, 2016


Antonio Marcegaglia’s speech at the “Stainless and Special Steel Summit 2010”. L’intervento di Antonio Marcegaglia alla conference “Stainless and Special Steel Summit 2010”.

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